At the meeting today we ratified the amendments to the club constitution. Many thanks to Ae for spending a lot of time making important edits.
We also listened to Ae speak about his presentation at the PD Day in April. His main points were about the difference between sex and gender, dysphoria, and why respecting a student's identity is important. For example, teachers should not out students to their parents, especially in regard to gender.
Our next meeting (May 21) will include leadership elections for next year and an LGBTQ-focused TED talk and/or discussion as time allows. Please note that anyone wishing to run for leadership ***MUST be nominated by current leaders***. If you wish to be nominated, you must write a short essay (a paragraph up to whatever you feel is appropriate) and submit it to the leaders via email (,,, and or bring a hard copy to Room 111 by **MONDAY, MAY 18**. We hope to hear from you!