Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Plans for Thursday, January 29, 2015

At 2:30 we are taking a photo in the back gym to support One Billion Rising. One Billion Rising is a national movement standing against domestic abuse. Please wear your GSA shirt and join us! Please note that you can join us even if you don't have a GSA shirt.
Then, after seventh hour (3:30),  Audrey will be leading a meeting on health of LGBTQ+ teens!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Quick Reminder

Our next meeting is January 29 after seventh hour in room 111!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Product Survey

Hey, everyone!
As announced at the last meeting, we are considering a purchase of some GSA "swag": products with our logo which can promote our club. We want your input on which products you like!
The options are business cards, magnets, and/or stickers. For the business card, we would want to do a campaign-like promotion with some kind of slogan to draw attention. Feel free to suggest a phrase in the optional comments box. Please do the survey at the following link to tell us which product(s) you like best!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Minutes: January 8, 2015

  • 3:35-Start
    • A started up a blog We'll post information, minutes, and other get togethers on there.
    • Climate survey- see if we (MHS) is LGBTQ+ friendly. Mrs.Pancost from DHS will come into talk in the near future about how to start it.
    • GSA swag- let's start up a business card with magnet trend around the school. Magnets, stickers, pens, etc. would help promote the school. GLAD provided window clings, and we are getting more for classes with windows. For a campaign (to make the school a friendlier place), we'll need a slogan or saying, so please give us your ideas! For any specific type of product you want, please contact Sra. Aviles or the leaders.
    • 3:45- Cara's media talks
      • Organizations: GLSEN, P-Flag, It Gets Better Project, Human Rights Campaign (Lists places safe to work for LGBTQ+ and shows brands/stores safe/in support of them)
        • Reddit: /r/transgender, /r/lgbteens, /r/ainbow (advice, help, etc.), /r/genderqueer, /r/asexuality, and /r/asklgbt
        • Tumblr: aboutlgbt, lgbtlaughs, and lqbt-advice
    • 3:50- Ask All or Nothing Tumblr blog
      • Jaime (asexual) + Ariana (pansexual) + Char (gender issues)
      • has themes, posts of pictures, and questions and answers
      • they want to educate others on the "unknown" parts of the lgbtq+ spectrum; running into judgemental and hateful people is unfortunate and frequent.
    • 3:55- Leelah Alcorn and Transgender rights
      • 17 year-old transgender girl from Ohio was not accepted by Christian family. Family isolated her from school, friends, and the world. Her parents refused to let her have hormone replacement therapy. Her parents continue to call her "Joshua", rather than Leelah, even after her suicide in a personal family statement.
      • Leelah's Law: no more "conversion camps"that try to change who people are.
      • News outlets refer to her as Leelah, while her parents refer to "Josh" or their son. She jumped in front of a truck and wrote a large note on tumblr to help spread her message.
      • In the US, UK, and Canada, over 40% of transgender teens have attempted suicide.
      • Laverne Cox is coming to SVSU- she is very influential with her shows, Time Magazine article, etc. Tickets go on sale for $10 on the 12th. You should go if you can! She may or may not talk about the death of Leelah.

    The meeting was lead by Cara. Audrey wrote minutes. A typed up minutes.

    Wednesday, January 7, 2015

    What's up

    We are Midland High School's Gay-Straight Alliance. This is where we will post minutes from our meetings, announcements for other meetings, and announcements for meet-ups in the community. Anything that GSA members need to know should be here.